"I am What I am" : feel fully free !
Gay tantric massage
To really relax and enjoy the treatment, you need to feel fully welcomed as a person, simply being who you are.
Don’t ask don’t tell! … I’d rather say: Don’t tell…don’t feel!
If you don’t feel free to be who you are in all simplicity, you cannot feel safe and confident. A part of you will remain on the alert. You cannot devote yourself then 100% to feeling, perceiving, and experiencing. In order to enjoy the care, some people need to be able to “put things down”, and to say their sexual orientation. For others, it’s just the opposite. In both cases, you are welcome. Having your own secret garden is vital, there is no need to display your orientation… But you are welcome to reveal it to me because living in fear of being “discovered” is mortifying. Discovering that you have no need to hide is liberating!

Gay massage: it changes nothing, and it changes everything!
The treatment/massage proposals remain the same, of course. The fact that you are asking for this authenticity changes the dynamic between us and the way you experience it.
With delicate yet firm hands, softness and depth, I was able to let go and relax.
All parts of the body are connected and harmonised. A very successful flow of relaxation.
Thank you for this moment of deep relaxation which helped me through a difficult period.
Beautifully slow movements and presence/listening to the patient’s reaction. The feeling that all the joints have been loosened and that the energy is flowing well. A delightful feeling of wholeness.
This Kashmiri massage was a new discovery for me, with some very powerful moments, not only on a psychological level but also on an emotional level… I’d never had such an intensive and focused massage… There were moments of well-being as if I were in an ocean where the waves rocked me, even inside my body, with energy circulating from the bottom to the top of my body.